Subject: Do your products need this?

Do your products need this?

December 8th, 2020 at 9:43 pm CEST

Hey! Xarah here 😎 It's been getting cold here. Love it! Now it's my favorite season. Lights. Peacefulness, Snow. Hopefully.... I hope people will take the opportunity to kick any kind of Christmas shopping (or what ever) stress into next week 😂 ...

the problem with the job market

December 6th, 2020 at 9:07 pm CEST

Are you building a business? Online or offline? Or do you have a job and are actually looking for something else? So, what the problem with the job market? Or building a business? Smart people don’t build businesses anymore.  They build lifestyles ...

Affiliate marketing is totally oversaturated!

December 4th, 2020 at 8:59 pm CEST

Recently I have noticed that I got emails from different people who promoted the exact same product. Some even sent me messages through my website. It’s like an avalanche!  I thought: Aha, some guru probably had a launch and everybody who is doing ...

Why I'm not going to sugar coat it…

December 2nd, 2020 at 10:58 pm CEST

What I’m about to say is not something everyone wants to hear. You might even not read to the very end of this email because... … Some people think that marketing online is all fun and games… It's the lazy man’s way to easy reechiz.  It’s ...

the consistent inconsistency of internet marketing... Hu?

December 1st, 2020 at 9:35 pm CEST

consistent inconsistency... an oximoron? Let's get into it to see what I mean... Oh, yeah, Xarah here 🤩 your success buddy 😜 Ironic thing about internet marketing…  People often sell you a set it and forget it business.  But those people of ...