Subject: Why Did I Invest in Hemp?

Hey Friend

Yesterday's email got pretty personal. Hope you don't mind but I thought it's about time to share something personal from me so you see I'm real human being :-)

I promised to tell you why I invested in cannabis in the first place.

First, I don't smoke. Never taken any drugs. Chocolate doesn't count as drug, does it?


But the idea of passive income is following me since I played for the first time the Cashflow game by Robert Kiyosaki a little over 10 years ago.

This scheme was clever. You would buy a certain amount of plants for a fix price and after 3.5 months, when the plant is done growing and dried and ready to be sold, you'd get 35-50% of profit.

1 plant costs 50 Euros. Profit is 22 to 25 Euros. You get 72 to 75 Euros. Without doing anything. Isn't that appealing? Yes, it is! Many people bought many plants. Some even took a loan.

As I wrote in my last email, it worked. For about 2.5 years. And then it broke down. Nobody tells us exactly what happened. Contradictions are all over the place.

Yet, it was nice and passive.

And when I was almost crying, sitting at my desk I remembered HBA (Home Business Academy). That's also passive, and it's recurring. Well, maybe not as passive as the hemp scheme because I have to be actively writing and sending emails. Learning more about traffic.

But I also know, there are a lot of people out there, getting scammed all the time. Honest people who just want to make an honest income online.

You just have to find something where you can feel at home. Where there is a community that helps each other. So for me it's a bit like getting back home.

What does recurring mean?

I've been paying for this since I started, even those 1.5 years I strayed away, kept paying. And the person who had sent me an email back then, whose link I clicked on, and bought from has been getting his commissions automatically (did I mention 80% yet?).

That's recurring. Nice, eh?

And they are still here. The community is still thriving. Not much has changed. Well, the dashboard has changed a little, but it's still recognizable. You can really only tell from the videos LOL

Their products and service are still there. There is a new capture page but that's to be expected since they keep testing.

But the principles they are based on and they teach remain principles. And even if they ever decide to close the door I still have my list. I still have the principles for they work always and I still have what I've learned (but neglected that past year and a half).

Why am I telling you this? Because if I can help you not get distracted by some shiny (and probably expensive) ball then I have helped one person today.

And if you are like me and just gotten a bloody nose on a suddenly closed door, you might want to look into this. Learn the principles. Learn how to get traffic. For whatever business you are into. Affiliate. Coach. Networker. We all need the same.

- traffic

- leads

- sales

Go here and watch the video.

And thanks for reading my long-winded email. I don't get often personal :-)

Make it a great day!




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