Subject: Who wins in a fight? Tim Ferris or Gary Vee?

Hey, Xarah here...

Recently a debate raged on Facebook. Maybe you've seen it?

Who's more successful? 

Tim Ferris, the author of "The 4-Hour Workweek"... 


Gary "Vee" Vaynerchuk, social media mogul who seems to work 24/7?

People had different opinions. 

But, the funny part was the manee argument. 

"Gary Vee is a multimillionaire and Tim Ferris is only a millionaire. So Gary is better than Tim." 

Well, excuse me... 

Gary might outearn Tim... 

But is your goal to earn more? 

Or to have complete freedom and enjoy life? 

The way I see it, Gary sleeps only 4 hours a day, is a servant to his clients, and doesn't have time to see his wife and two kids. 

That's worse than a job!

Tim on the other hand? 

He works 4 hours a week. 

He gets to do lots of cool stuff. 

And if he decides to have a family, he'll have more than enough time to spend with them. 

So, for me, Tim is way more successful than Gary. 

And guess what? 

If you want the type of lifestyle Tim has, it's important that you check out my multi-funnel income system. After all, Tim was one of my inspirations. 

I quit my dead-end job after reading his book. 

And now that my life is great, I have him to thank. 

Click here to achieve Tim Ferris's kind of freedom 

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains

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