Subject: Which one thing do I depend on most in my business?

Hey, Xarah here 😎

Happy Thursday!

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know how passionate I am about the HBA Funnel Builder. My business seriously wouldn't run without it.


Because of this incredible tool, I have been able to:


  • Streamline my business significantly 

  • Save an enormous amount of money, and 

  • Help tons of entrepreneurs streamline their businesses (and save a ton of money) because of all of the amazing features that the HBA Funnel Builder has.

The other day I put a video that Amy made where she shows 10 features of the HBA Funnel Builder on a page of my Funnel Builder.

Click on the image above because this video will help you if you are shopping around for a tool like this OR if you are already using another platform to build your business...

... because this tool can do things you probably didn't even know about that will save you time and money because you won't have to pay for multiple platforms to do each of these things anymore... they are all here under one roof.

For example, there's a built-in booking widget that makes it super simple for people to schedule appointments with you from your pages (bye-bye expensive scheduling platform!)...

And you can build membership sites and accept payments from a ton of different payment gateways (bye-bye expensive membership site platforms and shopping cart software!).

These and 8 other amazing features are explained in today's short video.

Enjoy it, and let me know if you have any questions.

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: Did mention that this tool is only... drumroll please... $25/month?! I still can't believe it.... I've been using it for the last 4 months and count my blessings every day. I love this thing!


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