Subject: What's the single greatest "hack" in business?

A subscriber mailed me the other day and asked,


"How do I become a superstar marketer like you?"


And this isn't a way to toot my own horn...


Or puff out my chest...


Because I'm always flattered by comments like these. And who wouldn't be?


My first few years online were like a crap shoot...


Unpredictable and a little bit risky. 


But right now my business is growing like wildfire...


And the answer why may surprise you.


What it comes down to is a mentality I heard from a fellow business owner who said,


"Do the BORING work!"


While that ain't too sexy...


It's spot on.


Often times...


The boring work is what moves the needle the most.


Researching your audience...

Writing new ads...

Building your network...


In a world where there truly are "shortcuts" to success...


It's important to understand that some "boring" work is still required.


So the key to all of this?


Learn to embrace the boring work.


Understand that if it's boring but important...


It's likely going to get you exactly where you wanna go.


So buckle down...


Get to it...


And watch the progress pile on.


If you wanna dive more into this, here's a great video:


>> How to Stay Focused For Long Periods of Time (even on boring things)



Boring Xarah






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