Subject: What you can discover from the day that changed my life...

I will never forget it...

It all started a Monday morning, at my old company. 

In 3 months, I had invented a solution to a problem... 

...that the company's research division had been trying to come up with for 5 years. Silly old-me expected praise. 

Maybe… a raise? 

Yet what I got was a brief email: 

"Dear Xarah, 

Thanks for your effort. 

Unfortunately, we'll have to shelve your solution. 

It will make our research division look bad to our board members and we can't have that." 

When I read it, I shut myself in the toilets, grabbed my mouth, and drowned out a scream. Someone else was in the toilet next to mine. 

They asked if I was OK.

I ignored them. 

They eventually left, complaining about all the whackos they are forced to work with... I sat there and pondered my future. 

Despaired, I considered applying for a new job. 

And then it hit me. 


That's what everyone is talking about. 

Yet, the next job might be just as bad. 

Plus, it's also an acronym for Just Over Broke. After all, I was two paychecks away from homelessness. 

That's when I knew something had to change. 

I made a vow to quit and never go back to another job. 

Nowadays life is much better. 

My hard work gets appreciated... 

...and it shows in my bank account. 

It took me a while to figure out how to do it, but when I finally made it... It was worth every freaking minute. 

To see how I did it, check this page




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