Subject: What does “get rich quick" mean?

What does “get rich quick" actually mean?”

Because somebody posted the following in our Telegram chat:

“I've always been told: <if someone - i.e., a website or individual, is claiming to get rich quick, run far, and run fast!!>” I thought I wanted to address this topic today.

What do you think? Is that true? Is there really no such thing as “get rich quick”?

That sentence triggered a discussion... 

A lady (who is in the top 10 of the affiliate list) answered:

“Really?? I started in July, got my first sale within 48 hours of launching my campaign, and now, after 5 months, I'm starting to use some of the profits to help with my rent. If it keeps growing along the curve it's on now, I would call that getting rich quick.”

And somebody else:

“Comparatively even 5 years is getting rich quick.”

So the idea behind how the new 30 Minute Workday aka Freedom LaunchPad is now structured is to avoid the typically rich quick mindset a person might have when they get in. They fail for a few days and then quit because they didn’t make money immediately. And of course blame the business, product, company. But that's another topic for another day.

Now, isn’t that a different way to look at “get rich quick”?

One thing I’d like you to realize one way or the other is in order to make good money online you will eventually need to learn how to market the business to generate leads and convert leads into sales.  

No way around it unless you are doing some kind of investing. But to build a business the money is made when sales happen. 

Understand that. You might as well learn how to do that here where you earn 80% commissions.  2 sales and you are in profit!   

People are always joining things and if they don’t work they join something else too quickly.

If they just realized it takes the same skill and effort to build that as it did their first opportunity then they would focus more on marketing and converting sales.    

Once you get that, income comes fast at 80% payout. Vs some other deal that pays 30-50% or less for the same effort.

And here we all have a connection to fabulous mentors, people who are making 6- and 7-figures. Those are the people to learn from. This is what we need to succeed.

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: Have you watched Nick's video for the Freedom LaunchPad yet?


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