Subject: What can my almost 80-year old uncle teach you about online success

uncle ben

Have I ever told you about my uncle Ben? 

He's the first entrepreneur in our family. And my favorite uncle. He's such a sweet guy!

He had a carpet cleaning store in the '60s. 

But sales were thin... 

So he had two choices. 

Complain about his situation... 

...or do something to fix it. 

So he learned copywriting (a writing skill that helps you increase the desire for your products and services) and created ads for his store. 

At first, the ads bombed. 

But, like a true entrepreneur, he kept trying. 

And in just 18 months, his income tripled. 

Now, here's something funny... 

I recently showed Ben the Freedom Launchpad.


Well, he's almost in his 80s and bad with technology. Well, he owns an iPhone and an iPad and learned to use Zoom over the Christmas days so he could chat with everybody.

Maybe not so bad 😂

Most of my students are in their 50s (or older like me and my uncle), entrepreneurial-minded, and some also technologically-challenged. 

But I even found that younger folks can be technologically-challenged 😂

If Ben had any problems with the system, I would need to rethink my recommendation. So, we went through all the modules together. 

And, we were both pleasantly surprised. 

The language really was easy to understand. 

Each step was crystal clear.

And even with his busy schedule (he doesn't allow old age to prevent him from having fun!), he estimated that all it takes are 60-90 minutes a day. 

So, if you've been on the fence about the Escape Plan hopefully the above helps with any doubts you might have. 

Here's where to go next. 

Make it a great day!



Happy 2021

PS: Let me know if you have any questions with the Freedom Launchpad


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