Subject: What are 'obvious truths in life'?

Hey, Xarah here 😎


I hope you had a great weekend.


I took the weekend totally off from work...


But then this morning I was scrolling through our HBA Telegram chat like I often do and saw this post from Anthony M.... it really spoke to me so I wanted to share it with you.


We see posts similar to this all the time... but what I love about this one is how he talks about 'obvious truths'.

That's exactly how I felt when I read the Escape Plan for the first time.

There were a TON of AHA's that, although they may seem sort of obvious... there were things that I wished I would have been exposed to back when I was starting my internet marketing journey (5+ years ago).

I, too, have found so many answers right here.

I've found answers to questions.
I've found answers to prayers.
I've found answers in the form of people who were previously 'missing' in my life.

I've learned a ton, and, like Anthony, I love that everything in our community is based on "proven, ethical principles that just work."

I know it's the end of the year, and you may be ready for a fresh start...

The Escape Plan that Anthony was referring to is 100% free. You can download it on this page (right under the deep red button) if you are interested in reading it and grabbing the obvious truths and ethical principles.

It's a REALLY good read (prepare to be blown away). I still can't believe there's no charge for this. 😂

Enjoy it, and let me know if you have any questions.

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: Our Community' that Anthony is referring to is the Home Business Academy. We are a community of heart-centered, freedom crusading entrepreneurs from all kinds of different companies and businesses, and walks of life. You can learn more about us here.


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