Subject: The great SEO hoax or is it?

SEO Slap

Hey there my friend. I hope you enjoyed the Audio with Tony Robbins about New Year's Resolutions I sent you yesterday.

Today I have a different kind of story for you.

Ten years ago, a mentor of mine, decided to work really hard. 

His plan? 

Write 1000 articles, all of them directing to an ebook he had created.

Each article would be SEO optimized. He'd then upload all 1000 of them, on every article directory on the Internet. 

This way, his articles would rank at the top of Google. 

And everyone interested in the problem he was solving, would buy his ebook.

So my mentor went to work. 

He wrote like a madman. 

16 hours a day. 

Seven days a week. 

For six months straight. 

And as he was finishing his 985th article... 

...guess what?

Google slapped article directories. Others had already discovered this "hack" and were abusing it. And the powers that be, couldn't allow them to continue. 

Imagine my mentor's surprise when he discovered all his hard work was for nothing...

How would you have reacted? I would have had a loud tantrum probably destroying something... a wall or more likely my fist. 😂


Now, he's doing great - without relying on SEO. 

But here's what's more interesting... 

When I talked to him recently, you know what he told me? 

"Xarah, I know it sounds cliche, but I should have just worked smarter, just like I do now. Not kill myself, by writing 1000 articles." 

I agreed. 

Why work hard and fail, when you can work smart and win

This is why we're both using the Freedom Launchpad. 

It's simple to use. 

Takes minimum time every day. 

And it's impervious to Google changes, Facebook bans, Amazon shut downs etc.

Check the system we're both using here.

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas


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