Subject: The 75-year-old business virgin

Hey there! Xarah here - again 😎 Got a story to share with you!

Because, I just finished a Skype call with James.

At 75, he's one of my oldest students. 

Anyway, he told me a story from 1973... 

He had created a book on how to make manee using postcards. 

Yet, he was a virgin when it came to business. 

Since he had the capital and wanted the book to sell well, he hired a consultant. One of his first suggestions was to buy space and run a full-page ad... an unknown magazine. 

He insisted that he knew what he was doing so James bit the bullet... and... paid $1,500 (a lot of cash back then) for the ad. 

He ran it and waited for the orders. 

Yet, all he got was crickets. 

Frustrated, he asked the consultant if he was sure about the magazine. He insisted: 

"James, you have to keep running the ad. This will create a cumulative effect for your advertising, and bring in lots of orders." 

This got James thinking. 

If the ad was good... 

...they should have seen at least SOME results when it first ran. 

Plus, why did the consultant ignore all the famous magazines and insisted on this one? So, James researched the magazine. 

Lo and behold, he discovered that the consultant was also working as a marketing manager for the magazine.

James was furious. 

But he didn't waste time confronting the slimebag. 

He took the ad... 

...paid for space in a well-known magazine... 

...and, to his delight, the orders came pouring in. 

After that, he's extra careful about who he trusts. 

But you know what's sad? 

We still have many guys like that slimy consultant nowadays. 

Some might argue that they've increased! 

It's why James, I, and all my students trust the good folks over at MIF. They've been in the game for a long time now. 

And they're still going strong. People show their results daily in the private FB group.

If you're interested in a credible company that can help you rake in tons of Benjamins online, you can't go wrong with them. 

For more details, go here



PS: I love to give away books. Here's a good one!

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