Subject: The 4-hour workweek story nobody knows

Recently, my friend Brian turned 45. 

His story is interesting. 

Instead of going to college, he got a loan and opened his own hardware store. (I suppose his dad, also an entrepreneur, inspired him)

Whereas 18-year-old boys worried about girls, cigars, and raising the middle finger to society and their parents... 

...Brian was worried about finding new clients... 

...staying in touch with past customers... 

...and things like cash flow, taxes, and paying the bills. 

Thanks to his work ethic, his store soared. 

It wasn't long before Brian began living his own 4-hour workweek. (Tim Ferris wasn't even in college back then!) 

He hired 3 employees... 

...found a partner to manage the day-to-day operations... 

...and, for the first time in a while, he kicked back and relaxed. 

He even thought of franchising his business. 

Of course, the dream didn't last long. 

Turns out, his partner wasn't paying the employees. 

Nor did he care about clients as Brian did. 

He even stole some money. 

Brian took him to court but eventually, they had to shut down the store. That all happened when he was 25. 

Today, he still has the "itch". 

He tasted the forbidden fruit of financial freedom. 

And you know what?

As we were talking, it turned out that The Multi Income Funnel was perfect for him. He could go back to the dream lifestyle he had in his 20's... 

...without worrying about renting space, training employees, or getting backstabbed by people he trusts. 

We talked about the potential (we have a ton of success stories in our fb group) and he got excited. Today he's a member of my team. 

And I know he's destined for greatness. 

What about you? 

Would you like to experience the freedom Brian enjoyed, without the hassle? If yes, here's where to take the first step.

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains

PS: Do you need leads? How about 100 leads everyday automatically into your account for pennies? And you can offer them once a day, anything you like...


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