Subject: My confidence was shattered after this – but I picked myself up

Hey, it's Xarah ...

“What happened to me?”

That’s what I asked myself. I tried again and again to make those phone calls to my list. I tried motivational speaking to myself. Bought tapes (yes, tapes), books all with the hope I could get rid of this annoying phone phobia.

Nothing worked. I’d break out in a sweat. My heart would pound almost painfully. My knees would start to wobble. 

And not making phone calls to make appointments to show my product… means not making any money. Not making any progress.

But, even before that all started up hardly anybody would buy my product even though they saw it in action, they saw the proof. But all it took was a neighbor or a relative who didn’t have any knowledge in this matter would say: you don’t need that.

And poof.

The customer would return the product and nothing I would say would do any good. 

This, in fact, coming to think of it, may have been the trigger for that phone phobia.

Such an experience would be terrifying for most newbies and maybe even veterans in Network Marketing.

But I’m grateful for such “trial-by-fire” lessons because they taught me there is always a solution to find the people who actually do want and need my product. I learned it’s not my family and friends. But there are lots of "hungry" people out there.

And you know what? Learning how and where to find the perfect customers didn’t just make me more successful in my Network Marketing business -- it made my entire life better!

  • I learned there are “hungry” people everywhere

  • I learned where to find them

  • I learned how to find them

  • I’ve become more confident

  • I don’t care about the phone anymore.

I would not have found out where and who my perfect customer is if I didn’t come to one major realization...

For now, I want to leave you with one of the best tools I know of.

It’s the Level Up Your Marketing Blueprint that I created for showing you how to transform your social media profile to get free leads automatically.

The approach I describe here has helped my students achieve getting leads from potential team members and customers more than anything I’ve done in the past.

I want access to the Level Up Your Marketing Blueprint

In my next email, I’m going to share with you the epiphany I had that blew my mind and totally changed my way of thinking. My business skyrocketed thereafter and I’ve never looked back.

I’m going to show you how you can use this revelation to get similar results in your own business.

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains

P.S. It’s finally happening… the Level Up Your Marketing Masterclass, my course for showing you how to transform your social media profile with over-the-shoulder videos, is now open! I’ll be giving you more details in the next couple of emails. In the meantime, feel free to hit ‘Reply’ and tell me what you’re most excited about learning/achieving/experiencing from the course.


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