Subject: [Meme Secrets] News

What's Happening With Meme Secrets?

Hi Friend

I was afraid that I fell for a s.c.a.m. but now I know I didn't 😱

You see when I bought into Meme Secrets I paid quite some money for something that was in pre-launch. I usually don't get into pre-launches - anymore.

But I did this time. It just sounded so much fun. Sharing memes... and most make me smile, chuckle or even laugh out loud.

Ok, there are some memes that I think are awful just because of the topic. Or I don't "get" them...

Meme I'm confused

Some just confuse me 😂 but that could be the language "barrier".

So, anyway, the reason I'm writing to you, I just found an email from this David guy.

CONTENT UPDATE ~ The first half of 6 modules for our main meme marketing approach will be released this week, with others to surface the following...


AFFILIATE TRAINING ~ All basic Affiliate Training is also set for release this week, along with MEME & EMAIL SWIPES, with more to come throughout February. 


SYSTEMS UPDATE ~ All sales are now processing through our new system, with any old-funnel remaining activity also processing through our new platform...

I just logged in and found lots of new stuff. First thing: I have to get a domain. Logic. In other words, I have to brainstorm to come up with a good one.

Just saw he has training on how to come up with ideas.

First though, I wanted to let you know, this course on Memes is legit and you can get it now, too.

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains

PS: That first Meme that shows up on the video where David explains what his Meme Secrets is all about... makes me chuckle every time 😆

PPS: Yes, I just watched it again. He changed it a little bit 😀


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