Subject: I'm wondering, can you still get rich selling ebooks?

Often, when people discover that I'm into online marketing, they ask following:

“How can I create one of these businesses where I just sell an eBook and make a million dollars? Or one of those businesses where I just sell something someone else is manufacturing in China and just ship it to them automatically at a high price?” 

Well, unfortunately that used to be possible several years ago. 

Not today. Of course, you can buy courses on both, the Amazon strategies and Drop-Shipping -I've bought into both because it sounded awesome.

There are of course people out there selling one ebook and making couple of thousand dollars a month. But that has more to do with the owner’s luck than skill. Or they started years ago when there was still gold to be found in the mountains and streams.

The market has changed.

It got richer. Wider. Deeper. More sophisticated. 

Selling eBooks used to work in 2007. 

But there’s good news too. 

Ebook is just a delivery method.

What counts is the information you offer and how it solves your customer’s problem. If you pack the same information into a video course, a podcast or a live seminar – the actual product doesn’t change, but the perceived value does. 

This is nice, but I bet you just want me to tell you what works… right? 


The best way to get riiiiich right now is to offer other people’s product funnels to your customers. 


Because there are tons and tons of people who went through the trouble of creating a product, putting together sophisticated deep sales funnel to sell it, created upsells, decided to put on live seminars, conduct webinars and code gorgeous members areas with content. 

They’ve done all that – and they’re now giving you the lion’s share of the profits while only keeping a tiny bit of it. 

It’s easy street for you from here. 

Nothing to create. 

Nothing to build. 

Nothing to code. 

Nothing to outsource. 

Just market the damn thing and keep nearly all the money!

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: I went from publishing books on Amazon making a few bucks every month to drop-shipping spending a small fortune on ads and selling exactly 2 items to this... Much much easier and a loooot more fun.


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