Subject: I once thought to get leads on auto-pilot without making phone calls to my “list” was not possible

– then this happened…

Xarah here, I'm back 🤣 in your mailbox

The first few phone calls to my list of friends and family was easy because I could tell myself if I messed up, if they said no, I’m still at the beginning... still learning... and there are still a lot of people on that list...

But the more phone calls I made the less confident I grew, the smaller the list became, the more scared I got.

You can relate, can't you?

But the reality was everything was made difficult because of not believing that I could actually find the perfect customers, YESes on auto-pilot without needing to phone down a list.

I heard once somebody saying something like this: “You can’t sell a steak to a vegetarian.” And that got me thinking.

What did I learn from this? I've been told to try to sell steaks to my vegetarian friends and family! No wonder nobody said yes to my wonderful products! If I want to sell steaks I have to find the people who are not only hungry but hungry for steaks!

Sorry for that simile, I’m a vegetarian myself 😜

Many times we don’t believe that simply going to where our hungry perfect customer is and skip that friends/family list because we think it’s too good to be true; it’s just too good – for US.

…that attractive guy/girl across the room – “He/she probably wouldn’t be interested in ME.”

…that job that sounds so cool it wouldn’t even feel like work – “I probably wouldn’t get it.”

…the person who gets to take a day (or a week) off whenever they want to – “Must be nice!”

…your friend who earns enough to never have to worry about money – “Maybe someday…”

What if thoughts like these are costing you more than you think?

Not at some far-off-in-the-future point, but today. Right now.

What if great things aren’t as far out of your reach as you’ve been conditioned to believe?

You signed up for these emails because you want one or more of the following things for yourself:

  • More sales

  • More team members

  • More time

It’s easy to dismiss dreams – even our own!

I want you to do something for me: give yourself permission to have a dream and actually believe in it. You can do that on your own, today. Nothing is stopping you. But I know that sometimes having an extra push can help break through any resistance.

I started The Level Up Your Marketing Masterclass because I believe you can go further than what you think is possible.

I’m rooting for you.

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains

P.S. Tell me about one thing you’ve been wanting, but you keep telling yourself it was “unrealistic” or how you’ve been making it harder than it needs to be. What’s the story you’ve been telling yourself about it? Go ahead and hit ‘Reply’ now.


P.P.S. My next email might shock you, because I’m going to tell you why you might not be a good fit for the Level Up Your Marketing Masterclass . I believe in keeping it real. Don’t miss it!


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