Subject: I have a quick question for you:

Hey Friend :-)

I have a quick question for you: DO YOU OWN YOUR TRAFFIC?

If not, read on...

How to Make 10x The Money With ZERO Extra Work!

Ok... so the first reason why you want to own your traffic is that when you own the traffic, nobody can take it from you.

Google, Facebook, etc. can change their algorithms and their rules at any time. Yesterday you got tons of traffic to your page and got tons of sales, today you don't because they changed the rules.

You have to turn your traffic into traffic you OWN!

This means you have to build your own list.

If you don't own your traffic, you don't own your business and you are at the mercy of somebody else all the time. Do they care about your money, your family, your livelihood? Probably not.

For instance, Networkers often send traffic (people) to the replicated page they got from their company (heck, I did that, too!). But when you do that you don't own your traffic. Most people don't buy right away. Even if they wanted to. They get distracted. A phone call. Look! A squirrel!

Or what happens when the company closes its door? Or you move on?

But if you own the traffic, if you send people to your own page, to your own lead capture page, you can send them follow-up emails. Reminders. Offers. Information and tips about your products.

So, here's my question again:

Do you own your own traffic?

If not, I have the solution for you:

An easy-to-use funnel builder. With prebuilt pages that you easily can edit.

Check out this short video. Mike shows you briefly what it looks like and what you can do. It's more than a funnel builder.

The sky is the limit!

Well, not really. If you believe the sky is the limit, your imagination is limited!


Anyway, go here now and watch the short video:

Get back to me with any questions!

All the best and a happy Sunday!

Make it a great day!



PS: You only need 2 tools for your business (any business):

A page or funnel builder (preferably with prebuilt pages so you can save time) and an autoresponder so you can follow up with the people who are interested in your offer.


I used GetResponse to send this email... Try it for 30 days free here.


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