Subject: Here's how to take advantage of the commonalities between us

Chances are, I'm a lot like you.

Chances are, I'm a lot like you. 

I worked at a job I hated for 15 years. 

I was worried about layoffs. 

I lived from paycheck to paycheck with no money to do anything except buy the bare essentials. 

It got worse though... 

Work held little chance for advancement. 

Plus, I soon discovered the ugly truth: 

Moving up had nothing to do with talent or hard work.

It had more to do with politics... 

...being a friend or relative of a super important person... 

...or riding on the coattails of an executive and hoping he ascends the organization. I wanted out. 

But I saw no way to escape the rat race. 

Just thinking of my past makes my stomach turn with disgust. 

Life isn't fair to people like you and me. 

Luckily, if you've been reading my emails for some time now, you know that my story has a happy ending. 

I'm no longer a slave in a civilized country. 

I no longer see my hard work and talent getting wasted. 

And I no longer need to suck up (excuse my French) to people who are useless. How did I come all the way here? 

And most importantly, how can YOU do it too? 

Glad you asked. 

It all began with a system that earned me in a week... 

...what I used to earn in a month. 

Check the "how-tos" of how to do it too here. 

Make it a great day!



PS: You won't get sidetracked from your main business if you add this simple, totally passive income vehicle - or maybe I should say plant - to your portfolio.


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