Subject: Heard about Meme Secrets?

meme secreets

Remember the last time you FOUND MONEY... didn't that feel great?

You find 10 people who guy this you earn $588

They also find each 5 people, you earn $1’470

If I did my math correctly

Yes, this email is about a different topic. I just finished watching the video and got myself a founding position (what ever that means LOL)

Of course, I had questions (before watching the video), like

"Why should I pay $147 for this?"

I’m already sharing Memes though of course not earning money from it. I didn’t know that was possible 😱

BUT What if? What I can build my business, my list the fun way? What if I could help others do the same (what ever business they are promoting or building)


Next question:

On the page it says “prelaunch”. I don’t like joining prelaunches. Done that several times in the past and most of the time the company didn’t launch… they just disappeared.


So, I watched the video and while I’m still not sure… but becoming a “founding” member gets me one big bonus: opening up level 3!

So, here’s your chance!

Click on the link and put in your email address, then watch the video. Then decide if you want to jump in and have fun doing something you probably are already doing and earning moolah with it!

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: Are you sharing Memes on Social Media? Are you getting paid doing so?


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