Subject: EP11 - “HELP! No more money left on the internet”

Sometimes people ask me if it is too late for them to work from home.

They are afraid all the internet gold has been mined. 

As if the internet runs out of money like a car runs out of gas. When you think about it, it's kind of ridiculous, isn't it?

I used to think like that as well. 

I would have a great month in my online business and worry about whether I can get the same next month. I was afraid I milked the internet for too long. I was scared I won’t be able to get new customers because I tapped out my market. 

Such a rookie error in thinking.

The internet doesn’t run out of customers. 

There are anywhere between 10,000-100,000 people worldwide who hit the internet every single day looking for ways to start an online business. 

Most are tire kickers, of course. 

But 10% of them are buying products, joining teams, consulting coaches, downloading software, watching YouTube tutorials, and signing up on mailing lists. 

My point is – there’s plenty of fish in the sea. 

And the sea isn’t drying up anytime soon. 

You just got to have the right fishing gear to catch a basket-full each month. 

Have a wonderful weekend!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: People are getting sales every day... Look:



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