Subject: Don't read if you're 100% happy with your current financial situation

Freedom Launchpad

I just got an interesting email. 

I'm pasting it down below, and my answer to Martha's email will follow: 

"Dear Xarah,


I've been reading your emails for some time now and I really don't see all the fuss about "The Escape Plan" or "The Freedom Launchpad". 

To begin with, people need an online biz because they made crappy choices in their lives. 

Take for example my husband and I: 

When we married over 30 years ago, we watched our friends and siblings have big, expensive weddings. 

They moved into big new houses. Then, a few years later into even bigger, more expensive houses in neighborhoods, they couldn't afford. 

Watched them buy big trucks they didn't need. 

They financed everything. 

Built up big credit card debt. 

Refinanced their houses to pay it down. 


Got married in a roadside chapel. 

Used all our savings we would have spent on a big wedding to buy two new, reliable Honda Civic when we married. 

At first, we lived in a small apartment. 

A few years later, we bought an old, smallish (1500 sq ft) 3 bedroom house in a middle-class neighborhood. 

We've lived in it for 30 years. 

Paid it off when we were in our early 40s. 

We're in our late 50s now. I retired a few years ago. Hubby still works because he enjoys it. 

We have no debt. Haven't for a long time. 

Our friends and family used to make fun of our little house and laugh at our old cars. Who's laughing now? 

That's why I don't see any point in this Freedom Launchpad. If people were careful when they were younger, they wouldn't have to worry now, in their 40s, 50, or 60s. 

- Martha" 

Dear Martha, 


I'm sure a lot of my readers envy your freedom. 

But here's what bugs me: 

You're NOT my audience. 

My students and I were fed the security myth growing up.

They told us to be good boys and girls. 

To work hard... 

To pay our taxes... 

To build our nest egg... 

And, as you can guess, it all came crashing down. 

The recession hit. 

People saw their life's savings shrink overnight. 

They lost what took them decades to build. 

And some, when they couldn't find a way out, committed suicide. As for us who are still here? 

We had to start all over again. 

And I'm proud of the students who join me in the Freedom Launchpad - they're fighters. They didn't give up. They didn't allow excuses to plague their minds. 

Again, I'm glad for you. 

But you're not my audience. 

So feel free to unsubscribe. And thank you!

As for the rest of you? 

The ones who weren't as lucky as Martha... 

The ones who were fed the security myth... 

It would be my honor to help you escape from any rough situation you are in. And I have just the right system for you.

If you want in, here’s where to take the next step. 

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: Not everybody who gets my emails is actually my target market. Some people joined my list and are puzzled over my offer of the Freedom Launchpad. And that's ok. Maybe you were curious. And maybe you have found in the meantime what you were looking for. It's fine to unsubscribe.

But not everybody is as lucky or has made that kind of decision as Martha and her husband. Then this is for you.


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