Subject: Do your products need this?

Hey! Xarah here 😎

It's been getting cold here. Love it! Now it's my favorite season. Lights. Peacefulness, Snow. Hopefully....

I hope people will take the opportunity to kick any kind of Christmas shopping (or what ever) stress into next week 😂

I've been going through my friend and business partner Nick's new Freedom Launchpad course and my mind keeps getting blown over and over again 🤪


In it, he teaches a PROVEN to work (100% of the time) formula for creating cash-flow in minutes.


And, although I've learned this stuff over time in my 5+ years online... I've NEVER seen it taught in such a digestible, easy to understand, and implementable manner.


For example, I just finished going through Module 3- The Perfect Products.


He breaks down how, when you're choosing a product to sell, it should always always always have more perceived value to your customers than they actually pay you.


**Hint: This DOESN'T mean you are losing on the deal. It's actually a win-win scenario.


==>> You just have to understand your customer BEFORE you start picking what products you are going to sell.


This one tip alone is a total game changer if you apply it... and it seriously doesn't even scratch the surface on what he's teaching in the Freedom Launchpad.


He covers everything you need to know to:

  • Create sustainable, long term wealth online giving people products and services you can be proud of

  • Pursue your passions, purpose, and desires in a way that creates time... allowing you to design and change your life as you see fit

  • Work from anywhere in the world that you want to on your own time schedule

  • Create long term positive change in the people, communities, and causes that you love

  • And do it all in a way that's based on principles, skills, and a legitimate business model... not some scheme, or scam, or "get rich quick" nonsense that you'd be embarrassed about

I just got off the phone with a friend and he told me about his latest involvement in a scheme and it looks like it's a... well... a scam... It's the third in a row. He hopes he'll get at least out of it what he had put in.

Maybe it is a scam, maybe it's not but from what he told me, it just leaves a bad taste in the back of my mouth. I hope this time he learns.

And that's why I like the Freedom Launchpad and what Nick put together. It's real. It works. Because I used to follow him and get in those schemes with him. Until I learned about the 30 Minute Workday. And because it's based on principles and we have a great community... well... it just feels good... you know?

Tina got her first sale

So, back to topic 😆

Nick literally teaches it ALL in a way that you can instantly implement and start generating results from in your business.


And, get this, it's only $27. ==>> I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around this.


If you are looking to end the year in a way that you can be proud about, I recommend checking this out...


You can instantly eliminate the guesswork about what to do next.


Anyway, just wanted to share this... it's too good a deal to pass up (in my opinion).


Gotta get back to Module 4 now. 😀


Love you!

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas

PS: What's the weather in your corner of the world?

William got his first sale


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