Subject: Came back home

Hey Friend

You've been getting emails from since about 2 years. At least some of you. May you are very new to getting emails from me.

Thank you for reading my emails 😀

Back then I had sent you emails about the offer that the Home Business Academy offers. While I loved it and got a few sales, they all quit within a couple of months. And eventually, I got distracted. Followed a silver shiny ball.

I only used the funnel builder but also not regularly. Here a capture page. Then a link tree page... :-)

So, I started another business. Paid around $2000 and spent a lot of time, setting everything up, learning the ins and outs - and translating the presentation to German (my main language) because it was an offline business, dealing with Restaurants.

Again, a bit of success but nothing lasting. And having to make those phone calls triggered my old phone phobia. And then Covid came and all Restaurants here had to close.

Another business idea showed up. Another 2 grand. Another I don't know how many hours... story repeats.

And then, April 2021. I thought this is it! Instead of spending lots of time and money setting up a business I would invest my money and make my money work. And it worked well. I had a bunch of friends joining without me having to say much. That was really amazing.

Until the beginning of July this year. It all broke down. Or hell broke loose. It stopped working.

Nobody really knows what happened. There are so many lies and contradictions being spread, that it's hard to see what's true and what's not. Was it a scam from the beginning? Or only towards the end a so-called exit scam? Or was the management just too naive and too inexperienced? In that case, why not stand up in front of a camera and just say so?

Anyway. I lost a bunch of money. Luckily no friends. None of them blames me and a couple of lost a lot more than I have.

So, one day I was sitting at my desk, my head in my hands, wondering whether the tears gathered in my eyes will drop on the surface or not... when I remembered the Home Business Academy. Am I not still paying for it?

Maybe I should go back to that. So I logged in and found they have added a couple of new capture pages.

How refreshing it was. They were still here. The dashboard has not changed much. The community still buzzing. Lots of the names that were familiar still here. And daily new people join the FB group and share their wins. Really, really refreshing!

So, I decided to start from scratch. Pretending I'm new and going through all the videos and training again.

I'm still at it but I wanted to share this with you. I'm sorry, I lost all that time and spent all that money on shiny objects when I could have invested that time and money into this business that actually helps people like you and me to find financial and time freedom on the internet.

This is the new capture page:

It looks neat, doesn't it?

And here's the new video if you don't want to opt-in again ;-)

Tomorrow I'll tell you why I got into investing in Cannabis (that investment that went sour)

Now, back to learning :-)

Make it a great day!



PS: If you say: I don't need another business! I just need something easy and inexpensive to build my list and my business!

Check out the Funnel Builder Video!


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