Subject: Announcing the worst online business EVER!

That's stupid. 

I was skimming through a magazine when an article caught my eye. It presented 22 ideas for online businesses. 

Some were OK. 

Others were not so good. 

But one, in particular, was so awful, I decided to warn you against it. Here's the idea:

Online job coach. 

According to the article: 

"As an online job coach, you will help the jobless land a decent job."

Excuse me, but this screams "PHONY!" to me. 

You were unable to get a decent job for yourself... 

...yet you're gonna help someone else do so? 

It's like visiting a dietitian to show you how to lose those annoying pounds...

...only to discover they're obese. 

If they're so good, why not follow their own advice? 

It's the same thing with the online job coach. 


"You look at people's CVs and suggest certifications that will help them land their dream job with the best possible company or organization" 

Again, if you know what the best companies are looking for... 

...why not take the certifications... 

...and apply for this dream job yourself? 

Finally, I googled "online job coach".

Turns out there are lots of them... 

...but nobody is searching for a coach per se on job boards. 

No matter how good this idea is (which is not, as I explained) if there is no demand, stay away from it.

It's why most people fail online. 

They try ideas that make zero sense... 

...yet they wonder how my students and I are so successful. 

Well, we are so successful because we follow a proven system. Why reinvent the wheel? 

Why attempt to make something work when it's destined for failure?

Atrocious ideas like online job coaching are useless... 

...but there's lots of the green stuff waiting for anyone who joins a system like my green-gold business. 

Get all the necessary details here 

Make it a great day!



PS: Visit my new Facebook group. I will share more about the new green-gold business.


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