Subject: Affiliate marketing is totally oversaturated!

Recently I have noticed that I got emails from different people who promoted the exact same product. Some even sent me messages through my website.

It’s like an avalanche! 

I thought: Aha, some guru probably had a launch and everybody who is doing affiliate marketing jumps on it… doing the same thing as everybody else.

The next thought that might come: 

Is the market for affiliate products totally oversaturated?

You know, years ago, I have tried to promote affiliate products from Clickbank. I had bought some course that taught how to find good products… Guess what?

They sold that course not just to me, maybe hundreds, maybe even thousands of people got the course, went through it, applied and so we all more or less tried to promote the same product.

And never sold a thing.

Of course, back then I didn’t know the power of building a list and nurturing them. And not just find an affiliate product, create a link and post that in as many groups on FB as possible (that’s what’s been taught back then).

Or buy solo ads or FB ads… 

Thus, many people think Clickbank sucks. 

Or affiliate marketing is oversaturated.

It’s not and that’s why we try to change the industry by teaching people through our Freedom Launchpad how to do it better, long-lastier, and in the end, easier.

If you’ve been trying to make money with affiliate products from a directory like Clickbank and you’ve been frustrated, here’s a tip:

Pick a niche. Just one niche. Find a good product. Then find the people who would be interested in it. They have a problem. You have the solution.

Or the other way around. What are people having issues with? What problem do they have you could find a solution for? Then search Clickbank, JV Zoo, and other directories for a suitable product.

For instance: dogs or cats. 

What kind of issues or problems do dog or cat owners have? If you yourself are a dog owner or a cat owns you, it’s a bit easier. If not, ask somebody. 

Is there a good product on one of the affiliate product directories that would solve that problem?


Where do people who have a dog or a cat hang out? Go there. Answer questions. Comment on other people’s comments (of course not with your link).

Here’s a tip: Have a compelling Cover image and add your link there.

ALWAYS consider building your list first. Create a simple landing page. I recommend you use HBA Funnel builder. It’s only $25 per month and very easy to use. Attach it to your Autoresponder so you can keep sending those people more dog or cat (or whatever niche you chose) products aka solutions.

You are now building a business. Your business. Your list is your business.

I’ve early on wondered that I’d be building somebody else’s business, somebody else’s email list by sending traffic to their offers, even if I would make a commission. And it bothered me.

But I never really knew what to do to change that. Well, until now of course 😂 I finally understand it!

If you want to learn how to do that and stop making the same mistakes as I did and as most people do…  and how it all fits together, get the Freedom LaunchPad.

No matter what your niche is, no matter who you want to serve.

My niche for instance is helping people find success on the internet, helping people start building a business. If that’s you! Great! And I will send you more tips. Let me know what issues or problems you have.

And to get back to the topic: 


There is no such thing. IF DONE RIGHT! There are always people coming online. People who lose their job. People who are sick and tired of their financial situation. People who have some kind of problem with their dogs or cat…

We are here to help them/you. Just reach out to me!

Make it a great day!



Xarah & Felicitas


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