Subject: About the vaccine mandates in New York...

Right now in NY City...

...You must show your v.a.c.c.i.n.e. card and proof of ID to be able to participate in society with all other human beings.

There are zero exemptions. That's really scary!

Not even for medical, or religious reasons.

Nobody voted for that law. Makes you wonder if that law is legal at all...

The powers that be simply decided to introduce it.

Whatever side of the politica.l fence you sit on, this should concern you.


Because people should have a right to choose.

Even if you disagree with their choices, that is their right.

And if you take away their right, then your rights may be taken away next.

The current situation is forcing all around the country to resig.n.

We are seeing a mass exodus of folk walking away from their nine to five, with no plan on what to do next.

You may, or may not be in that situation right now.

But, what if your bos.s, or the people running your stat.e make decisions tomorrow that you don't agree with, that put your jo.b in jeopardy?

Do you have a solid backup plan?

I've been preaching for years that everyone needs one. A backup plan, a Plan B, another income source. Name is as you wish.

Don't wait until it's at your door to get one in place.

Use this and start making moves right now.

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains


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