Subject: A funny, yet cautionary tale for people who don't feel "good enough"

Meet Johnny. 

He was a college dropout who worked as a salesman. 

Every day at lunch he went to the exact same restaurant. He sat in the exact same place. And he ordered the exact same meal. 

You might think: 

“Well, he must have loved the diner.” 


He fancied the waitress, Ginnie. 

Every day he gave her a big tip. 

But he was so tongue-tied... 

...that he could hardly talk to her. 

After a lot of thinking, he discovered his problem. 

You see, he didn't feel good enough for her. 

So, he decided to get his degree... 

Earn more of the green stuff...

Even lose the extra flab... 

And a year from today, he would come back and ask her out. 

So he got busy. 

He joined a gym... went back to college... read tons of books on selling. In the meantime, he stopped going to the restaurant. 

He wanted to surprise Ginnie. 

And before he knew it, a year passed. 

Now Johnny was a new man. 

He had a degree, earned enough to get a new car and house, and could even see his abs. 

"Today is the day," he decided... 

Off to the restaurant he went... 

When Ginnie saw him, she ran over and threw her arms around him!

She asked him where he's been all this time. 

Johnny was pumped up. 

His hard work had paid off. 

"Listen, I know it's out of the blue, but will you go on a date with me?" "Oh Johnny, I'm flattered but I can't. I got engaged last weekend." "What? To who?!" 

"His name is Jack. He came to the restaurant a year ago. He asked

me out on the spot and we've been dating ever since!"

While Johnny was telling himself he wasn't good enough, Jack got his girl. You see, a lot of my students are like Johnny. 

It takes them months to join me in the Freedom Shortcut. 

I think, they also tell themselves that they’re not good enough. And when they finally join me, they kick themselves. 

After all, they could have gotten their Ginnie (aka their dream lives) much sooner. Don't be a Johnny. 

You are already good enough to make out like bandits online. You only need to follow a solid system... 

...and Ginnie will be yours. 

Here's where to claim your Ginnie 

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains


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