Subject: 69-year old Greek has his pension fund shrunk - here's my solution

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who told me this story about Apolonio, a student from Greece. In the call, my friend told me about his dad.

It's a very sad story, so you might want to have a box of handkerchiefs ready.

Here goes. Ready?

Apolonio's dad has been working since he was 9. 

He finally retired in 2014, at 65. 

But, in 2015, an unprecedented economic crisis hit Greece.

Fast forward to today, and the government has cut his poor dad's pension fund in half. 


Fifty-six years of being a model citizen... 

...paying his taxes, following the financial advice laid out by eggsperts, hoping for a carefree future... 

...and that's his reward? 

Now, at 69, he has to go to work again. 

He has to compete with all the younger guys and gals. 

And he has to study what's new in his profession (he's an engineer) juuust to keep up with the new technologies and not get laughed out of job interviews. 

Question is... 

What would you do in his place? 

Go to work again? 

Hope everything goes OK? 

Pray to God they won't touch your fund this time? 

If the old way of doing things didn't work in the first place... 

...why should it work now? 

It won't. 

You need an alternative plan, in case any of the above happens to you.

Find out the alternative plan I recommend here.

Make it a great day!



Xarah in the Mountains

PS: I think I need to replace this image above... spring arrived (a bit early but desperately needed) here in Switzerland. What about in your corner of the world? Winter? Spring? Summer?


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