Dear Friend,
It's almost "show time" as the 2nd QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo will go live next Friday evening 1800 PDT. I hope that you will come. The schedule of events is under the speaker's tab on the Expo Website. We have a number of unusual live events including podcasts from Ham Radio Workbench, 100 Watts and a Wire, ICQ Podcast, and Ham 2.0. We also have a "Techno Dance Party", hosted by the Amateur Satellite Radio group on Friday night. CWOps will have a social get-together in the main lounge on tables 21 to 40. Look for their logo on the tables from 17:00 PDT Saturday to 0800 PDT Sunday morning.
Our back end programming is finished and we hope it will make the transition between the Expo exhibition hall and the auditorium and lounges nice and smooth. I am very excited as we have made lots of improvements over last August to make the Expo more fun and valuable.
We will send unique URL links for each ticket holder before the event. Hang in there.
Ben re-edited the interview that I had with FlexRadio's CTO, Steve Hicks, N5AC, that I recorded over 2 years ago. FlexRadio is the platinum sponsor of the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, and Steve will be one of the speakers at the Expo. I thought that re-introducing him to you fits the occasion. 73,
Eric, 4Z1UG