Subject: 93 Presentations now scheduled at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Logo

Dear Friend,

We have scheduled the 93 presentations at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo coming August 14th and 15th.

Presentation details are here:

The Agenda with time and date, both PDT and UTC can be displayed by clicking the button in the image below on our website. You can search this list in all kinds of ways to find the presentations that interest you.

We are working to add the time and dates both in PDT and UTC to the downloadable CSV file for your convenience. Please check back in the next day or two.

Amateur Radio is like a big circus now, with its 3 rings in the "big top", and with a midway that has a thousand tents. These 93 presentations demonstrate just how rich our ham radio hobby is with hams who share with us, from the midway, what they are doing. Please come to the Expo to enjoy these fine presentations.

All of the presentations from the two previous expos are here:

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The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Team