What's good family,
I read somewhere that Happiness is not just a state of being but also a choice we make every single day. Soon as we wake up we are presented with the opportunity to shape our day with gratitude or otherwise. We set the tone for how we interact with the world around us.
We all have been given the gift of creation. The creations we bring forward often reflect back toward us. The process calls each of us to tap into our childlike selves, free to paint the picture of what needs to be expressed. Music has always been a great indicator of how people are doing.
When things are not going great, we either listen to music that reflects that mood, allowing us to sulk and get it out, or we find a theme song to inspire forward momentum. No matter what you're going through in life, you control how you react to it.
Reflect on the music that you're gravitating towards. How does it make you feel? What are you creating right now? How do you want your listeners to feel? Just something to ponder on.
I hope you have a productive and positive week. Blessings.
~Epik epikbeats.net