Subject: Solid..

No more self doubt or talking down about yourself or your art in 2021. One of the biggest problems that we have in our community is that we care way too much about what other people think. We give other people's opinion of our art too much validity. So much so that it impacts our mental health. Creation is an extension of who we are so I understand why creatives take it personally. However, you shouldn't be making music solely for others approval but for your own. Great music isn't created by perfect individuals. So why do we care about being perfect when the most beautiful art is flawed? .... Even my opinion of your music doesn't matter. I hope you are creating music that is true to you. I hope you feel confidence being your authentic self and I hope you aspire to inspire. 

Epik The Dawn Council, 6464 sunset blvd, 90028, hollywood, United States
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