Subject: Positive Vibes Only!!!

Hello, I've been confronted with a bit of hate this week on my journey to expand my brand. And I must say this is the first time that I've approached it in a positive manner. The key to success is to work smarter not harder than your competition, and also not giving the competition the incling that they're competition in the first place. Today (or in the future) when approached with adversity (not hostility) only return positive vibes or no vibes at all. You'll start to realize the tides change. I believe that this is one of the 48 Laws Of Power "Always say less than necessary".
Not giving any person the power to control your emotions which controls your image which controls your money is true power. I'm slowly perfecting this way of thinking and approaching life. Being a business man/woman you have to keep a cool head and make precise decisions. Emotion deflate your chances of making the most sound decision in a hectic or trying time. So today try to be positive & let that trickle into later days and watch success bloom from your efforts. I hope you have an amazing week & Bless.
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