Subject: No Inspiration..

Making music takes constant emotional output. Whether that emotion is happy or sad,mad, or TURNT lol. It takes a lot of output to create on a high level. It's like a child really. I go through my ups & downs with music. Sometimes I love it & hate it. I was once told in order to maintain a relationship with anything, you can't fall in love once, but you have to fall in love OVER & OVER again. That's what I'm finding with music, especially when it comes to business. It's a constant push & pull. I've been living off of music for 12 years now. I want to be an example to you & others that you can make a living off of that creativity. It takes hard work & creative thought. The same creative thought that you put into music is that same creative thought it takes to turn it into a business. I think the problem with a lot of artists & producers is that they are waiting for some "Cinderella Story" as my friend Curtiss King calls it. They're waiting for some label to come along and change everything for them. That happens to .1% of the world. The rest of the world has to be realistic (Kind of like Tech N9ne) and get it for themselves. Luckily we have resources in 2018 & beyond that allow us to monetize our efforts. The second problem with artists is that they don't think of what they create as a product instead they think of it as a "CHILD" that they can't sell. I want to give you a wake up call..... IF YOU WANT TO LIVE OFF OF YOUR MUSIC GET RID OF THE ROMANCE!! You're a product that needs to be marketed & sold! I hope you had an amazing week like I did. Blessings to you! 

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