So i've been getting a lot of people hitting me up sending me a lot of positive messages telling me not to give up music ever since I made the announcement that I won't be offering my new beats online anymore. I just want you to know that I'm not quitting music at all. I'm just not selling my new beats online anymore. I will still be active online & I will still be showcasing my talents, along with other talents as well. I preach to you & many others to "Never Quit" all the time & I would never go back on that myself. I make different business moves & many many adjustments but I will never quit music EVER. As a mentor of mine says
"Finding what you love,doing it everyday & making money from it until you die is true happiness." - Casey Neistat
I've found & done this in many different ways BUT I will never settle for anything. I will always push forward and if I have to set something down to pick something else up to move forward I will do that in a heartbeat. Comfort is my worst enemy. I've never felt comfort in my entire life & I fear it like a kid fears what's under the bed. It's my boogie man & recently the boogie man gave me a visit. So now I'm changing my direction & heading toward something that I'm still scared of, but it's more like a roller coaster. I'll be announcing what I'm doing in 2 days which is my BIRTHDAY!! So NO I'm not quitting I'm just playing CHESS with the world.
"Stay Hungry & Stay Foolish" - Steve Jobs
PS: Exclusives are all $200 & 4 for $500 (Add 4 Exclusives to checkout to apply discount) Until May 31st . Hope to get some tracks to you before I stop selling! Bless up !