Subject: Monday Motivation!

Before I get started, I just want to put this out there. I'm not complaining, but I am a firm believer in learning from other peoples mistakes. Once again like many many business men I've dug myself into a hole. Not a hole that is as bad as most peoples, but a hole none the less. I've put my neck out there and really have been trying to change the way this online music production thing works. Eliminating the prominent need for SOUNDCLICK and really trying to create a form of exclusivity. That's the main thing people complain about and or request "we're the beats no one heard at doe" lol. I've completely taken myself off of a lot of outlets in the journey toward creating that for my customers, and in result have def cut my income in half. I've had to rely on others to help me create this site & lost money doing it just to turn around and learn it all myself. The cost of knowledge grows exponentially as you grow. Everything i'm losing isn't so bad compared to the knowledge i'm gaining & I haven't even started my site yet. I'm not scared of struggling a bit because once I get it all done no one will be able to compete. Everything I'm doing is 100% helping this community and pushing it forward. I AM PIONEERING a new way to think about producing online. I know I say every week that the site is coming, but that's because every step I get closer to finishing it, I seem to get knocked back 2 steps. Like I said I have people I paid working with me that are slacking. Coders running off with my money. Creative blocks and MORE AND MORE AND MORE. There's one thing I realize though no matter how cliche it is "Nothing worth it comes easy". Whatever GOD is out there is getting me ready for something that's far bigger than me. Every time I grow I struggle right before it. Every fucking time!! But i'm built for it. I've lived in hotels, both my parents were on drugs, friends killed in front of me, lost out on thousands by opening my own studio and failing, raised my son ON MY OWN and MORE AND MORE! This is nothing. So with that being said "DON"T QUIT" please! Don't give up!! I made it from SHIT, I started with $75 and a dream and it's possible. You have no excuses and nothing can get in your way unless you let it. Just because you get knocked down doesn't mean you stay there. Stop relying on people to do things for you. It's ok to ask for help but never rely on it. Get the fuck up and get it done even if you don't know how to do it. I never knew that I could build a whole website on my own but I'm sure as fuck doing it now. I don't care if you got kids and a full time job. I don't care if your mom died, or if your in the slums. I don't care if you have no job and you can't make ends meet. GUESS WHAT neither could I. I just decided to act instead of complain, so get up and do it. Stop procrastinating and add something to the world that isn't there. I pray you have an amazing monday and keep progressing. God Bless. 

Epik The Dawn Council, 6464 sunset blvd, 90028, hollywood, United States
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