Subject: Fear Of Public Mediocrity

IMO most people who are good at digesting vast amounts of information suffer from a FEAR OF PUBLIC MEDIOCRITY. It's accompanied by ANALYSIS PARALYSIS. You know everything and do nothing with it. These are the people that did well in school (most of the time). They're amazing at following tasks and getting things done when they're told to get them done. Amazing.

But when it's time to move on your own... You FREEZE... You're unsure of yourself. You've always been told what to do BUT not HOW TO DO. You've memorized how to complete a task BUT you were never told how to SOLVE A PROBLEM when it arises. You've always been analyzed by authority but you were never taught to SELF ANALYZE and change when things aren't working in your favor. You were shamed, shunned and penalized at school and at work & it effected your personal life/financial situation and now you're traumatized.

So traumatized that when you do come up with your own idea and it doesn't work OR if someone criticizes it you feel like a FAILURE. You're not good enough & you'll never be good enough because NO ONE WILL HELP YOU. IN the back of your mind you know on this journey NO ONE IS COMING TO HELP, and they aren't. Everything is on your shoulders for you to bare and the trauma of acceptance and the FEAR OF PUBLIC MEDIOCRITY is too much. You hesitate... Over analyze... Make up excuses... AND even criticize others your see doing it WORSE THAN YOU but deep down inside you're just jealous that you don't have to GAUL or WHERE WITHALL to do it..

What's even worse is that you know that when you START you can never stop. The wave of change crashing on your again and again and again like a tsunami of reminders that... You're still not good enough. You still have to get better. You can't just try and die.. You have to learn, do and pursue FOREVER. It triggers your anxiety and you feel like you're in a jail of your own thoughts.

But what if I told you that these aren't your thoughts? What if these are all the fears of your peers and your parents? What if you've been programmed? What if I told you that all of these feelings are the pain of shedding your old skin and start a-new. Constant growth and ripping away of your lower self. Facing your DEMONS as they say?

What if on the other side of all of that... Is confidence & the feeling of no one being able to tell you that you're not good enough. The confidence that ANY PROBLEM that arises YOU CAN SOLVE IT. The confidence in know that the pain is temporary and the GAINS are exponential?

What if I told you that you aren't mediocre but the ones that taught you are, and their fear is that you find out that we're all meant to create. That there's nothing to fear. - EPIK

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