Subject: C'mon lazy....

How's your music going? Have you become distracted? or Are you in a flow state? 

I ask because its easy to become unfocused. Its hard to create when it seems like the world is burning around you. Life is filled with things to deter you from moving forward. It takes a certain level of energy to maintain a flow state especially with music. When the juices are flowing its such a rewarding place but when its off things can turn quickly. I've been there and I go through it all the time. Especially when I'm working on business and things outside of creativity.

Over the years I've discovered what works for me. I just keep creating regardless of how I feel. Sometimes Ill take a short moment but I don't allow it to linger for too long. I've grown to appreciate these moments because I become a student again. I discover new sounds or I'll try out ideas that are some what odd. 

During these times I create some of my most unique production. To my surprise, artists gravitate to these most of the time. Music is energy. It doesn't matter how you feel about it someone else might really connect.

I hope you are creating and thriving. If not, its ok take a moment and then get back into it. I appreciate you and hope you have a great week fam. Bless.


Epik The Dawn Council, 6464 sunset blvd, 90028, hollywood, United States
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