Subject: Bob Marley said it the best

"One thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
-Bob Marley

Do you remember the first album that made you feel something? I remember listening to Jay Z's, "Blueprint" and the feeling it gave me made me want to become a music producer. I was so inspired that I went and remade every beat I liked from that album. I miss that feeling sometimes, its hard to find that type of inspiration in music now. Everything is quantized and alot of artists are out here sounding the same.

It's kind of funny but the other day on fb someone told me to stop making beats because they were too dfrnt from the norm. I guess he couldn't find the pocket and missed the whole "its just dfrnt" in the beginning. I went and listened through my catalog and ended up checking out a few artists on my site. I realized that most artists who gravitate to my music are really unique and original. I'm just glad that i've attracted such dope creatives.

I really appreciate you  and want to do more so i'm going to be dropping a lot of knowledge on my site/emails. I've also made the decision to stop hoarding beats. I can be hard on myself at times and there's a lot of music I don't put out. At the end of the day music is subjective and you never know what someone else may be able to feel and create. So Ill be dropping beats daily from here on out. I appreciate you and stay #dfrnt. 

Grind. Achieve. Prosper


Epik The Dawn Council, 6464 sunset blvd, 90028, hollywood, United States
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