Free Step-by-Step Mini-class Tonight: Creating Proposals that Kick Butt and Win Clients (Even If You're an Amateur)

November 5th, 2014 at 1:18 pm EDT


E Period Family,

Here is another great resource brought to you by Anthony Joiner.  Tune in tonight!

Cocktails aka Helping Hand

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About 3 years ago I submitted a proposal to an investment firm awarding $250K to the person who submitted the best business proposal in the form of a powerpoint presentation. 

I was stoked -- I created my presentation, outlined my 'master plan' to make it rain on my business.

Then nothing. 

I wasn't sure what the problem was, but I'm SURE my presentation was the

Has this ever happened to you?

Then I learned that a buddy of mine out in San Francisco actually WON the 250K and their business is still doing estremely well to this day.

I asked him for his presentation and when I checked it out, it was LIGHT YEARS ahead of mine. 

Then as fate would have it, on my last big project at my former day gig, I was part of a committee that reviewed proposals submitted by 7 of the top software design, marketing and branding firms in Atlanta. The only constraint was the proposal had to be a Powerpoint with 17 or less slides.

This was a dope experience. I learned a ton going through this process. 

I learned how a winning presentation looks, what's included in it, what's NOT included, the layout, the perfect amount of information to include, and on and on and on. 

Not only that -- I kept the top three presentations and put 
together all of the steps, details, and 'whys' behind what made them successful. I turned that into an easy-to-follow template, and I can't wait to share my experience.


By the way, the company with the winning presentation was awarded 7 million dollars. (Plus more work/budget is being added on as we speak!) Their slides were UNBORING. Full of questionable images, eye-catching graphics, and even a few *gasp* curse words!


Are you sick to tired of not knowing how to create WINNING proposals, or spending
 hours and hours trying to create a presentation to win  new business?

Do you want to know how to present your million dollar idea to an investor who could change your life with the stroke of a pen?

Then tonight's training will be music to your ears.

I will put an END to the mystery of creating proposals that win.

After tonight, you will enjoy pleased prospects, new business, and maybe find an investor or two. 

Honestly, what kind of a person would I be if -- knowing exactly how frustrating writing winning proposals are -- I didn’t try to help my fellow sufferers enjoy relief, too?

Who Should Attend Tonight's Free Training?

Folks who want to present their idea or proposal in a powerpoint presentation that is more effective and compelling. 

What will you learn?
  • How to win over a client or audience early on so that everyone feels ownership in a new idea
  • Making presentations interactive to engage every audience member
  • Clearly communicating your key message without being too wordy.
  • How to put your slides in a logical order that makes sense to both investors or anyone who sees it, even if you're not presenting.
Make no mistake about it - if you do not equip yourself with the right knowledge, you will waste a lot of time and effort.

Tonight's free w
ebinar will change the way you think about delivering a client presentation.
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