Subject: There's still time to register: eTMF Sponsor Oversight Webinar

Clinical Webinar

Sponsor Oversight and

the Role of eTMF

Wednesday, July 20, 11am EDT

Just a few days left to register!

Learn how your industry colleagues are conducting TMF oversight and overcoming common challenges.

Sponsor oversight of TMFs is a regulatory requirement whether trials are conducted by the sponsor, a CRO, or in a mixed model. However, Health Authorities are not explicit about the requirements for conducting and documenting sponsor oversight.

This session will present insights gained from interviews with a set of experienced industry leaders, including their oversight philosophy, tools and practices.


Kathie Clark

Product Director, CTMS and eTMF


Mobile: +1 (267) 560-6971

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Kathie is an expert in content management for the pharmaceutical industry, with over 20 years of experience implementing enterprise-level, validated solutions for major life sciences companies in the US, Europe, Japan and Israel.

In her prior positions, Kathie was responsible for the design and development of a number of document management products. She is the author of many white papers and blog postings and is a regular presenter at industry conferences. Kathie is also a member of the DIA TMF Reference Model steering committee.


Ennov develops innovative, powerful and easy-to-use software for document and process management. Ennov has specialized its software to meet the specific needs of the health and life sciences sectors: Quality, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Studies and Regulatory Affairs.