Subject: Guided Healing Meditation This Thursday via Zoom - New 9 Month Compassion Project



Marcy and I continue to shelter in the relative safety of our own home. We wear masks and do our best to maintain physical distance to protect others when venturing out to obtain essentials.

We are grateful that the changes brought about by Covid 19 have not disrupted our lives as harshly as they have many others - and their families - who are suffering from fear and loss due to the virus, loneliness and isolation in quarantine, financial instability, social unrest, racial injustice, political divisiveness, and the disturbing outbreaks of violence and deaths during protests.

We are living in turbulent times, with causes and conditions that affect everyone regardless of attachments to the right, center, or left - circumstances that influence the well-being of us all.

Therefor, we invite everyone to find healing, community and connection by taking time to rest, to breathe, to meditate with others, allowing each of us to give and receive compassionate support.

Most, if not all, of you who receive our newsletter know it is not insignificant to take time to stop, breathe, and bring the light of awareness to the present moment and all that inhabits the space of our being. Our individual and collective essential qualities are: love, compassion, joy, and equanimity. Let's support each other to remember that often.

We are increasing the supports we offer to help us remember. Please read through the newsletter to find new opportunities to join us in addition to our familiar programs to take good care of yourself:

First Thursday of the Month VIRTUAL Guided Healing Circle this Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 11 AM Eastern.

Virtual Meditation Sessions on Thursday mornings throughout September.

The Next 9 Month On-line Compassion Project beginning September 30, including additional meditation practice sessions for everyone.

Newsletter Highlights This Month:

  • BEGINNING ON SEPTEMBER 30: THE NEW ON-LINE 9 MONTH COMPASSION PROJECT. NOTE: Wednesday evening meditation sessions available to everyone throughout the 9 month program.

The First Thursday of the Month Guided Meditation Healing Circle is offered on Thursday, September 3, 2020 via ZOOM.

Our Guided Healing Circle Meditation is not intended to by-pass illnesses of the body, the emotions, the mind, or spirit - or the pain and suffering of each other, our families, communities, and our society.

The 3 Doors practice we share on First Thursdays is a support to open our hearts and embrace all the reactive emotions triggered by the winds of aversion, attachment, and ignorance that cause dissatisfaction.

Please join us Thursday, September 3rd, from 11 AM until 11:45 AM.

Led by Gabriel, the Healing Circle is open to everyone; there is no fee.

To join please follow the link below:

Topic: First Thursday Guided Healing Meditation Circle
Time: Sep 3, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 357 975 2624



There is a luminous, healing space of refuge within each one of us. It's important to make time to visit often and connect to the warmth of our nature. It's a prescription for liberating ourselves from unnecessary emotional reactivity; developing the capacity to host the pains of illness, loss, and grief; and remembering that others suffer just as we do, without  exception due to age, gender/sexual orientation, geographic location, ancestral origin, or political affiliation.

We sometimes forget that space exists, or where and how to find it. It is always available - it is waiting for us behind the doors of stillness, silence, and spaciousness.

This month, as the pandemic and social, racial, and political unrest continue to trigger disconnection from our basic goodness, I'm offering virtual, drop in silent meditation sessions each Thursday: 9/10, 9/17, and 9/24 @ 11 AM Eastern. Everyone is welcome! There is no fee.

The meditations will be short - between 20 and 30 minutes in length. Please be on time. I won't be giving instruction or saying too much to guide these practice sessions. I won't tell you how you're feeling, what you "should" feel, or attempt to entrance you. I'm simply offering a space for respite; a space to join in community with others to sit in silence, to rest, to allow your body, outer speech, inner dialogue, and mind to settle into the luminous, healing space of refuge within.

Much love,


presented by -  MARCY AND GABRIEL

We need each other now more than ever, yet the ways in which we can be together are currently limited. It is also clear that we, as a global community, urgently need compassion. The 3 Doors Compassion Project can address both of these needs.

The 3 Doors invites you to join us beginning September 30 for our 9-month online Compassion Project program, where we will explore how the cultivation of self-compassion can empower and enliven our expression of compassion for others. This Compassion Project will provide Spanish Translation so Latin Americans can fully participate.

The Compassion Project is much more than another meditation training program:

Previous Compassion Project programs have benefited from participation by persons living in the United States, Canada, Mexico and other Latin American countries, as well as several countries throughout Europe. The program has drawn participation from people in their late teens to those in their eighties, established meditation practitioners and those receiving instruction and support for the first time, people in the healing professions, educators, artists, and persons of all races and genders.

The individual experiences brought to awareness by the practices of the 3 Doors, and the depth of sharing from such a wide and varied community of participants makes the collective power of the Compassion Project a deeply healing program.

At a time when anxiety, isolation, and divisiveness threatens to create boundaries of separation, please consider joining the Compassion Project and discover the inherent flow of warmth from your heart to others and from others to you.

In this time of collective unrest and change, gathering together is necessary medicine. We will also host weekly, live, guided open opportunities to practice, not just for the participants in this current Compassion Project, but for all past participants as well and their families, friends, and colleagues. Each Wednesday night from 8 pm - 8:30 pm Eastern Time, beginning on September 30, 2020, Marcy and I, along with a host of 3 Doors Presenters will offer a free, live guided meditation via Zoom. Everyone is welcome, there is no fee to join these practice sessions.

Live, online sessions—including teachings, guided practice and an emphasis on personal sharing—will be led by Marcy and me. Use this link below to learn more and register.

If you want to recommend this e-newsletter to a friend, or for directions to our studio, please refer to our website: 
White Lotus Center 
1026 W. Lancaster Ave 
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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