Subject: Something Great is Unfolding at Pure Life!

Dear Friend,

I am excited to share with you something we feel the Lord is unfolding for us here at the ministry.

From its very inception in 1986, Pure Life Ministries has been a prophetic voice to the American Church and a shelter from the toxic environment of sin and sensuality all around us.

I don’t need to tell you that the American culture has become pornographic: millions feasting on illicit imagery, children being encouraged to change their genders, young women emulating porn stars, homosexual activists dictating national policy.... Well, you know as well as I do what’s going on.

And unfortunately, this sensuous “me-first” mindset has bled into the American church culture as well, leaving millions of needy souls starving for spiritual nourishment. Services often begin with glitzy worship performances and quickly move to 30-minute sermonettes with no life and no fire; neither of which facilitate an encounter with the living God.

This is completely different from the spiritual atmosphere of the Pure Life Ministries Chapel. Since it was built in 2000, our little chapel has held over 5,000 meetings where those in desperate need can sit in the presence of God and experience the kind of radical encounter with Him that can alter their eternity. Thousands of Christians can point to the exact spot in that building where they met with God.

As you’ll read down below, we are “bursting at the seams” in our current chapel. But the Lord has been clearly speaking to us, leading us to build a new chapel — “The House of the Lord.”

While we will continue to host our Annual Conference at the Ark Encounter every spring, our dream is to host additional special meetings with different speakers throughout the rest of the year. The added space in our new chapel will enable us to open the doors to weary souls who would love the opportunity to meet with God.

We anticipate construction being completed sometime in 2025. The good news is that we have already received a sizable gift of $100,000 to get us started!

I hope you will consider joining with us as we begin this new endeavor. The need for a quiet, consecrated place to meet with God has never been greater!


With Much Love,

Steve Gallagher,


Our Growing Need

When our chapel was first built, we were averaging 35 students in the Residential Program and had a staff of 15! This meant that the 132-seat capacity was more than adequate for our needs.

However, our staff has tripled to 45 and our student census now maxes out at 75. Then when you add in the families and visitors of staff and students—well, I think you can see our dilemma!

benefits of a new chapel

Three-Phase Building Project

Phase One:

  • Architectural plans finalized

  • Building permits secured

  • Site excavated

  • Foundation poured

  • Utilities run

Completion Date: Nov. 22, 2024

Estimated Cost: $170,000

Phase Two:

  • Floors and walls framed

  • Roof system constructed

  • Doors and windows installed

Completion Date: Feb. 28, 2025

Estimated Cost: $410,000

Phase Three:

  • Plumbing, electrical and HVAC installed

  • Insulation and drywall installed

  • Exterior decking installed

  • Painting completed

  • Asphalting and landscaping completed

Completion Date: Sept. 30, 2025

Estimated Cost: $500,000-$600,000

We'd Love Your HElp

As of this writing, we are just about to break ground on Phase One of this endeavor. As mentioned, we already have $100,000 for this project. To complete the first two phases, we will need approximately an additional $480,000.

Please prayerfully consider donating toward this project as your resources allow. We thank you for your faithful prayers and support of Pure Life Ministries! You can give at