Subject: World Food Day

Hello There People!

Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness...Laughter is brightest where food is the best...a recipe is a story that ends with a good meal...

Have you spotted our theme today People? 😊😊😊It's fooooddd!

Each year, on October 16, World Food Day is celebrated to honour the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in 1945. The latter aims to raise awareness and action for those suffering from hunger and food insecurity. Who can hear the motherly melody still ringing in their ears: "You need to finish your plate, poor children do not have the privilege to have this food!" 😄😄😄

So, gear up, and send us pictures of your food this weekend and throughout next week, and we will feature it in next Friday's Gazette!

Quiz Time...Gift Time 😎

There are some pictures of the famous foods of some countries spread out across our Gazette today. Guess the name of the dish and its country of origin and send us your answers on Imperium News. Don't forget to guess the number of employees who have secured the right answers as well!


Legal Updates

Please take note of the below legal updates published in the Government Gazette.

General Notice No. 1351 of 2023

Practice Direction (No. 1 Of 2023) pursuant to Section 12(B) of the Companies Act 2001.

Government Gazette No.84 of 30 September 2023

The Financing Services (Consolidated Licensing and Fees) (Amendment No.2) Rules 2023.

Kindly refer to the attached documents.


ITL | DocuSign

On 11 August, ITL announced its new electronic document signing platform, DocuSign. Please note that there are some updates in the chop section of the document as per attached.

Andersen | Newsletter

On 4 October 2023, the Assessment Review Committee (“ARC”) issued its ruling in favor of the Mauritius Revenue Authority with regards to the meaning of "export of goods".

Zaynab is pleased to share the highlights of the case and her commentary in the attached document.

ESG Committee | E-waste

Check out the monthly flyer focused on e-Waste to learn more about the subject matter. You can also view same as per attached document.

Cabinet clean-up

The Paperless Team reminds concerned departments and BUs to do a final check in their filing cabinets to ensure that the cabinets are emptied. This should be followed by a sign-off from the respective managers.

Post sign-off, all remaining files will be destroyed early next week.

Kindly provide your sign off to the Paperless Team by COB today, Friday 13 October.


Bell ring

Seems like there is a lot to celebrate on Level 4!

Kate from Team BD rings the bell to announce the takeover of a major group of companies.

Good job Kate and keep rocking! 🎉

London College of Accounting Graduation

Congratulations to Kavish on your graduation! We are proud of you 😊

Admin Communique | General Cleaning Level 4

A Level 3 cleaning is planned on Saturday 14th October 2023 as from 8:30 a.m.

On the menu: deep vacuum, carpet shampoo, and cleaning of tiled floor, desks, PC screens, telephone, windows, blinds, amongst others. Consequently, please:

  • tidy and clear up your desk, storing your belongings (pen, diary, laptop, etc...) in your drawer;

  • remove all documents and boxes on, underneath and around your desk.

We count on your usual collaboration 😊

Trainings Communique

Please take note of the below trainings for next week. The concerned persons will be contacted separately.

FSC Communique | Blood Donation

The FSC is pleased to invite you to participate in their Blood Donation Day which is being organised in collaboration with the State Trading Corporation.

Should you be interested, please contact Ashive by Monday morning.

Who knows this?


Women Empowerment Meeting

Francoise and Ashtee attended a networking meeting on Women Empowerment on Tuesday at the Preskil Island Resort Hotel in Point D'Esny, Blue Bay.

This initiative encourages discussion and sharing of information among NGOs supported by MOL Charitable Trust and the MOL Mauritius International Fund.

Gender Links Mauritius and Ravey Twa Fam presented their projects implemented in the southeast region.

Team BD/Marketing | Dinner party

By now, we think everyone knows Team BD/Marketing loves eating noodles! 😂

Indeed, they gathered around some noodles, wantan, salmi chicken, greens and crab soup for what was an amazing dinner, without neglecting the delicious sago and ice cream. Quoi de mettre l’eau à la bouche! Also, with the amazing voices in the team, they set fire to the lounge - not literally of course - with a karaoke. No surprise if today they have less voices and keep it low 😂🎵🎤

The second dish

Andersen | Africa Partners Meeting

Andersen team is travelling down memory lane this week!

Last year around this time, we had the incredible opportunity to host the Andersen Africa Regional Partners Meeting on our beautiful island. Over 2-3 days, we connected with our esteemed colleagues from across the African continent. Packed with insightful thought leadership sessions, the event was also a true celebration of joy, cultural exchange, friendship and nurturing of relationships.

Have a look at the throwback pictures below.

The third dish


Mauritius Finance Sports Day

The Mauritius Finance Sports Day has been in full swing since 2 weeks now! Have a look at the last week's events.

Are you ready for the last day of the Mauritius Finance Sports Day?


  • 1,500m Women - Oumeesha Bablee (Finalist)

  • Penalty Shootout - Fadley Bundhoo and Ali Joomun


  • Penalty Shootout - Fazeel Soyfoo and Ravi Sookur

  • Archery - Caleb Shiu and Kate Lai

We count on your presence for this last day to support and encourage our teams! Best of luck to all participants! 💪

The fourth dish


Wihsing you a foodilllicious birthday! 😎  

  • Youmeshwaree Needoo

  • Kate Kwok-Choon

  • Kaamesh Emrith

  • Shamin Ahmad Sookia

  • Warren Wong Fook Wa

Hoping you enjoy your new dish as much you enjoyed the ones here 😎  

  • Nidhi Balkissur leaving on 13th October, 2023

  • Lavina Sobhee leaving on 20th October, 2023.


Friday Latino Party

  • Ebene Junction

  • Friday 13 October

  • 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM

Festival du livre

  • Trou-d'Eau-Douce

  • Friday 13 October to Sunday 15 October

Weekend Buffet at Ile aux Cerfs

  • Ile aux Cerfs

  • Saturday 14 October and Sunday 15 October

  • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Foodie Fiesta

  • Les Allées

  • Saturday 14 October

  • 9:30 PM to 5:30 PM

Pink October au Hennessy Park Hotel

  • Hennessy Park Hotel

  • Saturday 14 October and Sunday 15 October

  • 10:00 AM to 10:30 PM

Balad dan Moka

  • Cascade Minissy

  • Sunday 15 October

  • 8:30 AM

The fifth dish

We hope we have not made you hungry with all these dishes. 😜

Do not forget to send us your answers by Wednesday 10 AM:

  • Name of the dish

  • Country of origin

  • Number of good answers

Wishing you a foodyyyyyy weekend ahead!

Hasta La Vista People! 🙋‍♀️

Crazily Yours,

The Gazette Committee