10th May 2016 was marked by the culmination of negotiations surrounding the India-Mauritius Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (“DTAA”) when a protocol amending the DTAA was signed by both states. Shortly afterwards, the Indian authorities who have embarked on a crusade to overhaul their international tax treaty regime, wrapped up negotiations with Cyprus on 18th November 2016 when a revised India-Cyprus DTAA was signed, followed by the conclusion of a protocol amending the DTAA between India-Singapore on 30th December 2016.
Following the signing of the revised India-Cyprus DTAA in November 2016 and the rescission on 14th December 2016 of the notification that it previously served to Cyprus in November 2013 for being a non-cooperative jurisdiction for failure to provide information requested under the relevant provisions of the treaty, investor confidence in the use of treaty jurisdictions has been further enhanced.