As communicated previously, Mauritius will be moving to the second phase of its plan to ease out of lockdown as from Monday 3 May 2021. While most economic activities will resume and free movement will be allowed under strict sanitary conditions as from next week, ITL Management has taken the decision to maintain its work-from-home (WFH) policy until further notice. ITL Management firmly believes that the health and wellbeing of its employees should remain a priority in these uncertain times and the situation will be re-assessed in a couple of weeks. However, a limited number of staff have been identified to travel to office, as and when required, to assist on tasks that cannot be done remotely. Understandably, onsite meetings will be kept to a bare minimum but we will accommodate for urgent meetings with prior notice. We would again like to remind our valued clients that our employees are equipped with WFH facilities which have been tried and tested for a number of years already and that these are fully compliant with our data privacy and data security protocols. Your contact persons at ITL will remain primarily reachable by e-mail and Zoom. As regards to the reopening of our borders, the Government of Mauritius has not reached a decision yet but the situation is carefully being assessed taking into account the local context and the evolution of the pandemic on the global scene. We will endeavor to keep our valued clients updated about the situation in Mauritius however, should you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your usual contact person or write to us on
#StayHome #SaveLives |