Subject: Newsflash - Covid-19 update @ 24 June 2021: Moving into the 3rd phase of de-confinement plan as from 1 July 2021

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Covid-19 update @ 24 June 2021: 

Moving into the 3rd phase of de-confinement plan

as from 1 July 2021

Ever since the Mauritian government announced the deployment of its Covid-19 vaccination campaign at the end of last year, it has made clear of its objective of achieving herd immunity at the earliest.  In fact, the government is moving from rhetoric to action in a fast-paced fashion and as of the date of this writing, it has administered its 500,000th vaccine in its fight against the invisible enemy, bringing the total vaccination rate to 40% for the first dose (representing 1 in 2 adults).    


As such, the government will activate the third phase of the de-confinement plan as from 1 July 2021. Members of the public will still be required to observe the following sanitary precautions:


  • Social distancing

  • Wearing of masks

  • Use of hand sanitizers


Contravention of the above rules will entail fines.


As from 1 July 2021, the following activities will henceforth be allowed with certain restrictions:

  • Gyms

  • Community centers (alphabetical order will apply and access to people under 18 will be prohibited)

  • Beaches (no picnics allowed)

  • Public parks

  • Restaurants and Food courts

  • Open-air sports activities

  • Cultural activities*

  • Places of worship*

  • Weddings & funerals*

  • Public and private gatherings*

  • Markets / Fairs

  • Horse racing (only allowed on TV – no public attendance)

  • Courts of justice (only allowed as per certain guidelines)

*with a maximum of 50 persons


Re-opening of borders


As announced in the National Budget Speech 2021/2022, the Mauritian borders will be opened as from 15 July 2021 to all vaccinated visitors for resort tourism. Visitors will then be allowed to leave the hotels after 14 days with a negative PCR test.  As from 1st October 2021, depending on the evolution of the Covid-19 situation in Mauritius, all vaccinated tourists with a negative PCR test will be allowed on the Mauritian territory without any restrictions. We will endeavor to keep our valued clients posted of the situation in due course.


ITL maintains its Work-from-Home policy


The team at ITL will continue to work from home until further notice.  ITL Management firmly believes that professional success is not reliant on location if there is the proper virtual workplace infrastructure in place. Your contact persons at ITL will remain primarily reachable by e-mail and Zoom.


Our work-from-home facilities have been tried and tested for a number of years already and we wish to highlight these are fully compliant with our data privacy and data security protocols. Therefore, our operations, other than those that fall beyond our control, will remain unaffected.


If you have any concerns or if you would still like to have more information, please write to us on


#StayHome #SaveLives

ITL Data Protection compliance programme - Reminder

As you are aware, we hold your contact details on our database and have been sending you regular newsletters and updates about the latest developments in the Mauritius financial landscape and other areas of interest.

Following recent changes in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Mauritius Data Protection Act 2017, we now require your consent to hold your personal data. Please click here to confirm that you still want to hear from us and get the latest news about the Mauritius International Financial Centre.

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The information in this e-newsletter was prepared by Intercontinental Trust Limited to provide potential clients with a broad overview of the opportunities available in Mauritius. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this e-newsletter, Intercontinental Trust Limited accepts no responsibility for any errors it may contain, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, or for any loss, however caused, sustained by any person that relies on it. Readers are advised to consult with appropriate, qualified professional advisors before taking action. Intercontinental Trust Limited will be pleased to discuss any specific issues.