Subject: Newsflash - Covid-19 update @ 23 March 2021: Extension of lockdown in Mauritius until 31 March

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Covid-19 update @ 23 March 2021: Extension of lockdown in Mauritius until 31 March

In a communique aired tonight on national television, the Prime Minister of Mauritius announced that the national lockdown, which was initially scheduled to end on 25 March, will be extended until 31 March 2021. 

The Prime Minister also announced that the measures put in place to contain the spread of the virus have been fruitful so far; new cases are promptly being identified through an efficient contact tracing exercise and patients who are being tested positive to the Covid-19 virus are being placed in quarantine. He also announced that the government is currently working on a staggered plan towards the easing of the lockdown. The first phase will be implemented as from 31 March.

The following general rules will continue to prevail:

  • Public gathering of more than 5 people will not be allowed

  • Sanitary measures to be observed in public places (wearing of masks, social distancing etc.)

  • Fines to be imposed for non-compliance to established rules and guidelines

  • More Work Access Permits will be issued by the authorities

  • Shopping will be allowed based on a predefined alphabetical order

  • Old-aged persons are strongly advised to stay at home

In tandem, the Covid-19 vaccination rollout is maintained and the government has set the objective of immunizing at least 60% of the population at the earliest in a bid to achieve herd immunity.

We wish to reiterate that our service to our valued clients will remain unaffected by the lockdown.  As a safeguard measure, ITL Management had already reinstated its Work-From-Home (WFH) policy as from Monday 8 March.  ITL Management firmly believes that professional success is not reliant on location if there is the proper virtual workplace infrastructure in place.  We also wish to highlight that the authorities such as the Financial Services Commission have activated their work-from-home protocol since the beginning of the lockdown to ensure a continued service to licensees and the public in general.


As previously communicated, our WFH facilities have been tried and tested for a number of years already and these are fully compliant with our data privacy and data security protocols. Therefore, our operations, other than those that fall beyond our control, will remain unaffected.  Your contact persons at ITL will remain primarily reachable by e-mail and Zoom. 

If you would still like to have more information, please write to us on

#StayHome #SaveLives

ITL Data Protection compliance programme - Reminder

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The information in this e-newsletter was prepared by Intercontinental Trust Limited to provide potential clients with a broad overview of the opportunities available in Mauritius. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this e-newsletter, Intercontinental Trust Limited accepts no responsibility for any errors it may contain, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, or for any loss, however caused, sustained by any person that relies on it. Readers are advised to consult with appropriate, qualified professional advisors before taking action. Intercontinental Trust Limited will be pleased to discuss any specific issues.