Subject: Newsflash - Covid-19 Updates @ 29 May 2020

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Covid-19 Updates @ 29 May 2020
The second and final phase of the de-confinement strategy was debated and finalized by the Cabinet earlier today andit was ultimately decided that the sanitary curfew will be lifted as from Midnight Saturday 30 May 2020. In a pressconference held earlier today, the Prime Minister cautioned that the situation will be monitored closely and he alsobroached on the possibility of reinstating a curfew should there be a second wave of infection. A series of precautionary measures and guidelines have been issued by the government including the wearing of masks which will be compulsory in public spaces. The government is also encouraging employers to continue the use of their work-from-home facilities. 

It will be recalled that the Government of Mauritius placed the country under a sanitary curfew since 20 March 2020, which has so far yielded remarkable results with no residents having been tested positive for the Covid-19 for more than 30 days now – except for 3 imported cases relating to Mauritians who were repatriated from India and France and who were placed in quarantine ever since their arrival on the island. In line with the Government’s intention of easing the lockdown in a staggered fashion, the first phase was initiated on 15 May 2020 when certain economic activities were allowed to resume under strict sanitary guidelines and conditions.
ITL Work-from-Home Policy

At ITL, we are focused on delivering an unparalleled level of service to our valued clients whilst safeguarding the health and wellness of our personnel. As communicated previously, more than 90% of our active workforce has been connecting on our work-from-home infrastructure since the beginning of the lockdown in Mauritius which has ensured continuity in our service level. 

In line with government’s recommendations which encourage the use of work-from-home facilities, an assessment of our remote working experience over the past weeks has revealed greater productivity and better work-life balance for all our employees. ITL Management firmly believes that professional success is not reliant on location if the proper virtual workplace infrastructure has been implemented and it has therefore decided to extend the ITL work-from-home policyuntil further notice.

We will endeavor to keep our valued clients informed of the situation in Mauritius.

Please feel free to get in touch with your usual contact person for any immediate assistance that you may require. Anyother queries may be addressed to

The ITL Remote working experience
See what our people have to say about their work-from-home experience so far by clicking on the link below:
ITL Data Protection compliance programme - Reminder

As you are aware, we hold your contact details on our database and have been sending you regular newsletters and updates about the latest developments in the Mauritius financial landscape and other areas of interest.

Following recent changes in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Mauritius Data Protection Act 2017, we now require your consent to hold your personal data. Please click here to confirm that you still want to hear from us and get the latest news about the Mauritius International Financial Centre.

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Data security and protection is of prime importance to us and we invite you to read our privacy policy which provides information about how we manage and process your personal information.

We are only a phone call or an e-mail away. If you have any comments, questions or concerns about any of the information in our policy, or any issues relating to the processing of personal data by ITL, please contact your regular contact person at ITL or write to us on

The information in this e-newsletter was prepared by Intercontinental Trust Limited to provide potential clients with a broad overview of the opportunities available in Mauritius. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this e-newsletter, Intercontinental Trust Limited accepts no responsibility for any errors it may contain, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, or for any loss, however caused, sustained by any person that relies on it. Readers are advised to consult with appropriate, qualified professional advisors before taking action. Intercontinental Trust Limited will be pleased to discuss any specific issues.

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