Subject: Intercontinental Trust e-News - 5th January 2017

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New Singapore & India protocol: Mauritius gains supremacy
The recent amendments to the India-Singapore tax treaty, through the signing of a protocol on 30 December 2016, will no doubt spark a ripple of confidence over Mauritius as it consolidates its position as the preferred jurisdiction for international investors wishing to invest in India. 
Mauritius: Prime source of FDI into India
·         Global Headquarters Administration
·         Global Treasury Activities
·         Overseas Family Office (Single)
·         Overseas Family Office (Multiple)
·         Investment Banking
·         Global Legal Advisory Services

As previously communicated in our November 2016 newsletter, companies holding the above-mentioned licences issued by the FSC on or after 1 September 2016 will be granted tax holidays on the income derived from activities covered under these licences, provided that they satisfy the minimum employment criteria and the substance requirements (the “Conditions”) as specified by the FSC.

Mauritius: Prime source of FDI into India
According to the Census on Foreign Liabilities and Assets of Indian Direct Investment Companies for 2015-16 released by the Reserve Bank of India on 19 December 2016, Mauritius was the main source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for India until March 2016. In fact, the island nation accounted for 20.8% of the total FDI ahead of the US, UK, Singapore and Japan.

Mauritius 2016: Economic retrospective

Amidst the difficult global economic climate that prevailed in 2016, Mauritius managed to achieve a steady growth as a result of the innovative measures that were introduced by the government and other competent authorities including the Board of Investment (BOI).

In 2016, mounting investor confidence in the economy was manifested through the tremendous increase in the Foreign Direct Investment received by Mauritius: from MUR 9.7 billion (USD 262m) in 2015 to MUR 14 billion (USD 378m) in 2016.

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